
3rd December 2021
Explaining Power play to Autistic kids

Explaining Power play to Autistic kids

What is it? It’s games that people play with each other when they operate within a social hierarchy. People who operate and support a social hierarchy will start playing these games as young kids.
2nd December 2021
Presuming Competence in Autistic kids

Presuming competence in Autistic children

Presuming competence is a mantra in the Autistic community. Presuming competence means that we presume that the Autistic child or person is just as competent as their peers.

4th November 2021

Why do Autistic kids spin their toys

Why do Autistic kids spin their toys?

An Occupational Therapist recently asked this question: 

How can I get my little clients to stop stimming long enough so they can engage in play and social  interaction